Indie development studio Team Meat will be offering free downloadable content for its upcoming XBLA port of Super Meat Boy - by taking advantage of a loophole that bypasses Microsoft's standard certification process.An unlockable world called 'Teh Internets' allows Xbox 360 users to download new sets of stages - and with the upcoming release of a level editor for PC and Mac versions, may even open the door for user-generated content to be playable on the XBLA edition.
This is made possible thanks to Team Meat's unique use of the Title Managed Storage system. Rather than strike down, Microsoft has actually "welcomed" the feature, according to developer Tommy Refenes.
"[Microsoft] want developers to do anything and everything with their service that makes them stand out. No one has ever done anything like this in the history of XBLA as far as we (and our people at MS) know and it’s seriously the most awesome use of it ever," Refenes wrote on the
Team Meat website.
Speaking of the exclusive nature of 'Teh Internets' for the XBLA version, Refenes added that "in order for the game to come out on XBLA, we had to offer something exclusive and this was the best and coolest option for us."
However it was revealed that the studio did approach Nintendo to "get Reggie [Fils Aime, Nintendo America President] to let us use him as an unlockable character but quickly got turned down." Sad times.
Super Meat Boy is released on XBLA on the 20th October.