Microsoft Embarrassed by Another Xbox 360 Gay Gaff

Bans a gamer for use of 'Gay'

Posted by Staff
Not on my Xbox!
Not on my Xbox!
Microsoft in the States appears to have forgotten its own guidelines - unveiled in March this year regarding the use of homosexual terms in Gamertags. It's having to apologise to a US gamer for using the name of his home town.

26-year-old gamer, Josh Moore, lives in Fort Gay, West Virginia. He said as much in his tag. He was banned and Microsoft was forced to back down and reinstate him.

According to the WSAZ 3 news channel, reports Mr Moore as saying, "I'm frustrated that this would be an issue. I'm proud of where I live and this makes no sense.

"It’s where I live. You can be from Fort Gay, you just can't tell anyone with X-Box."

According to the AP, "Xbox Live chief enforcement officer Stephen Toulouse acknowledges the agent reviewing a fellow gamer's complaint against Moore made a mistake. He says keeping up with slang and policing Xbox Live for offensive language is challenging, but mistakes in judgment are rare."

However, now according to Microsoft, "“Fort Gay, West Virginia" clearly does not violate the code of conduct."

Yup, keeping up with slang such as "Gay" for "Homosexual" must really be a chore...


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