Sucker Punch on inFamous 2: "Starting as Single Player"

And other features...

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Sucker Punch on inFamous 2: "Starting as Single Player"
We're all looking forward to inFamous 2. But wouldn't it be even more fun if we could team up and clean up the city with some pals? Bruce Oberg of Sucker Punch to this responded in an interview you can see on SPOnG a little later.

"Will there be a co-op mode?" was the question.

"We're starting with a great single-player experience. Other features like that are things that we're trying to figure out exactly what we want to do before we tell anybody about it."

Starting with a single-player experience. That's a good sign. What about Move?

"We've always been a single game studio. We want to make a great single-player experience, and whether or not the Move works with that we still have to figure out."

Full interview up a little later.


- 25 Aug 2010 21:52
Hell no screw the multiplayer co-op this was meant for single player only don't f**k it up.
Cole Mcgrath 26 Aug 2010 02:17
Screw the move, it will ruin my game. I don't care if you invented me, Sucker Punch, I'm calling BS on this one!
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