Atari and Cryptic have a announced that a new Neverwinter game is coming along for the PC. It's a "Co-op Roleplaying game... Inspired by R.A. Salvatore’s Upcoming Book Trilogy."The official blurb is that "In Neverwinter, players choose to become one of five classic D&D classes and team up with friends or computer-controlled allies to form five-person co-op groups. Players also create their own storylines and quests utilizing an extremely user-friendly content generation system, tentatively codenamed Forge."
We reckon that phrase "social gaming experience" can't be far behind.
Cryptic Studios - which recently
lost its chief creative officer - is the development house behind City of heroes, City of Villains, Champions Online and Star Trek Online.
Neverwinter for PC is scheduled to release in Q4 2011.