ITV on Demand is Coming to PS3

Details from Gamescom confirm collaboration between Sony and ITV

Posted by Staff
ITV on Demand is Coming to PS3
Sony has announced at the Gamescom expo this week that ITV on Demand will be available on the Playstation Network later this year.

Although we are waiting for more details to come in regards to a particular date for when the ITV Player will be available for the PS3, joining the BBC's iPlayer and the upcoming Mubi video streaming service.



foncuzed 18 Aug 2010 14:35
is that iTV or ITV?
Dreadknux 18 Aug 2010 15:12
foncuzed wrote:
is that iTV or ITV?

Let's not go there. :P

ITV though eh? Probably only be reruns of Dancing on Ice, I'm a Celebrity and poxy Loose poxy Women on it, anyway. Mumblegrumble.
TimSpong 18 Aug 2010 17:16
Still can't work out how I'd watch TV (even S**teTV) and play a game at the same time... or do these people want me not to play games on my console? That'd be like having an oven that you could play table tennis on, but only if it was turned off.

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