Batman Dev : You Need to be Arrogant

And you need to be humble...

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Batman Dev : You Need to be Arrogant
The boss of Batman: Arkham Asylum developer Rocksteady, Sefton Hill, has said that they still have a lot to give with their future works.

He had this to say of London-based studio's future direction:

“I’ve seen us grow as a company – and I mean in terms of confidence and ability – and I genuinely can see us grow further still. I don’t think Arkham Asylum is going to be the best game we make. We’re growing and developing as a company all the time.”

Without getting too carried away, Hill had this to add:

"If there’s too much arrogance you can push through bad ideas. It tends to be the quieter people [at a studio] who have something really important to say when a big decision is about to be made. You need to take on board criticisms. You need to try something different, of course, but if you realise it’s not working you need the humility to go back to the drawing board."

“So you need to be arrogant and humble as a studio… obviously, you can’t expect both those qualities in one person [laughs], but that should be the make-up of the studio – daring creatives that have great, innovative ideas, as well as those who can spot mistakes and aren’t afraid to cite them.”

Sounds like Hill is on an adrenaline rush right now with the potential that he and his team can achieve above and beyond their upcoming titleBatman: Arkham City. Do you feel as excited about Rocksteady's upcoming titles as Mr. Hill here? Let us know what's on your mind in the comments below.



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