Kinect Pricing to Benefit from Non-Gaming Use

So say Microsoft partners in software solutions.

Posted by Staff
Kinect Pricing to Benefit from Non-Gaming Use
We are all awaiting pricing for Microsoft's Kinect. One thing is certain, it has to be priced to fit the pockets of recession suffering consumers. One thing that could ensure a sub-£100 price-point is wide take-up. And one thing that will help that is if the device gets used in areas other than gaming. This is now looking more and more likely.

California-based InterKnowlogy is exploring the peripheral's uses in healthcare scenarios, looking to integrate it into their rehabilitative care systems. Patient data could be gathered by doctors over an internet connection.

Elsewhere, a New York City partner, twentysix, is advocating Kinect's potential in biometric security applications. "A user could simply walk up to the kiosk to activate it and then gesture through menus," said chief of new technology Andrew Brust.

Other uses for Kinect being explored in industry involve virtual reality walkthroughs, driving tests and - perhaps the most mundane - as a remote control for Windows Media Center applications.



deleted 18 Jun 2010 12:29
The problem here is MS have gone for the casual market where nintendo has well and truly penitrated it to death, sony saw this and clever sony aimed Move at not only casual uptakers but hardcore gamers, and as a core gamer im excitied about move, MS you missed a chance here, buttons are needed sure it can be incorparated into core gaming along with controller use, but you are too late to teh market with a pruly casual gaming device. lets hope that Devs can come up with some cool s**t for it.
Jonathan 18 Jun 2010 18:36
No the wii created the casual gamer market, now that market has been "captured" they will want better graphics and they will also want to ditch the remote.
alexh2o 19 Jun 2010 15:16
@haritori Im not so convinced.. I think the "hardcore" market will always just play with a standard controller - the moving about aspect will always be for a more laid back approach to gaming. By laid back I dont mean "casual" gaming though! When it comes to the next MGS or Killzone, I dont see Move really having a very big place...
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