Xbox 360 Will Get 3D Gaming With LG Partnership

Microsoft to partner with TV company to push technology.

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Xbox 360 Will Get 3D Gaming With LG Partnership
Sony's been banging on about this 3D gaming business since January, but Microsoft has been particularly quiet about the the technology. Today, electronics company LG has announced a partnership that will market its 3D televisions alongside "3D-capable" Xbox 360 consoles in South Korea.

According to Engadget, LG's press release mentions a collaboration with Microsoft to jointly market its 55/47LX9500 LED television set with Xbox 360 3D games by the end of June. The promotion will be limited to South Korea at first, before expanding to other Asian territories later on.

No specific information was revealed regarding new Xbox 360 hardware to achieve the 3D technology, which leaves us to suspect that Microsoft may be working on a firmware solution similar to Sony with its PlayStation 3.

That, or Aaron Greenberg may actually be right about the console being 3D capable already. But that's not a risk we're willing to take. You?


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