Crysis 2 Writer: Modern Warfare 2 Bad Storytelling - Halo is B*llsh*t

Richard Morgan doesn't like many other games

Posted by Staff
Crysis 2 Writer: Modern Warfare 2 Bad Storytelling - Halo is B*llsh*t
Richard Morgan, the man penning the story for Crysis 2, is gent of critical mind when it comes to video games that aren't Crysis 2. Basically, some other high profile games are really not up to snuff.

First up, Modern Warfare 2: "It was a massive stepdown from CoD4. What I thought when I played it was, 'Jesus guys, what have you been doing? You've not ramped anything up. The story is worse and the game doesn't really hang together, it's just a bunch of mission levels."

As for the storyline, he tells CVG, "It made no sense. It was totally implausible. It doesn't resolve. Basically, all the things that bad storytelling does. I just think they were way too impressed with themselves and that's always a danger. It's just unfortunate."

So, what about one of the world's favourite Bungie title starring Master Chief?

"I don’t like the Halo series at all. Okay Halo is not actually bad, it’s just, you know, average. The reason that its fiction doesn’t work has nothing to do with the fact that you don’t get to see Master Chief’s face, it’s because of lines like ‘Okay … I’m gonna get up there and kill those guys’. Halo is full of these bullshit archetypal characters and there’s no real emotional effect", he tells Nowgamer.

Let's hope Crysis 2 is properly Dickensian in its scope.


Bentley 12 Apr 2010 16:36
I thoroughly and one hundred percently agree with these opinions. I am glad I am not alone in being let down, in particular, by MW2's crap story and s**t single player experience.

As for Halo... I've always said that about Halo. Good on that man! Hopefully Crysis 2 will show us all how to do it, eh?
Hark 13 Apr 2010 12:09
Completly agree with Halo, its sooo bloody bland!

I actually MW2 tho, I just didnt like the way Soap looked.
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