Microsoft director of product management Aaron Greenberg has been forced to clarify recent comments made in an Edge Magazine interview, after an error on CVG apparently led readers to believe he was commenting on a worldwide install base.In an amended story, CVG
reports on Greenberg's statement that the Xbox 360 has "nearly double" the install base of the PlayStation 3 thanks to a lack of a Blu-ray drive. However, the original story said the executive spoke of worldwide figures, rather than North American numbers.
"Microsoft's Aaron Greenberg has claimed that Xbox 360 has "nearly twice" PS3's worldwide installed base - partly because its lack of a Blu-Ray drive allows it to be sold at a more attractive price point."
The quote is still visible in the comments to the amended story.
This led to a Twitter comment from follower '
Phleg' who asked, "Can you clarify the apparent 'We're at twice the PS3 install base worldwide' quote from CVG? Using real numbers vs shipped?"
Greenberg answered; "Look at the quote, I never said worldwide, I said nearly twice the installed base according to NPD data - 20M [Xbox 360 units sold versus] 12M [PS3 units sold]."
Still, we're glad that mess is over with, otherwise we'd have thought Greenberg was either bonkers or had trouble counting. Now we know he doesn't have trouble counting.