Microsoft's Project Natal may be shrouded in mystery for the most part right now - it seems only celebrities are allowed to have a go on about the only game announced for it - but Forbes thinks it might be onto something with the pricing of the device.Following a demonstration of the motion-sensing add-on from Microsoft's Techfest event, Forbes reports that all of the components used to build Natal can be found off the shelf. Perhaps more impressive is the fact that, despite being able to track your movement in 3D space, the device apparently uses less power than a cellphone.
"That means the product likely costs no more than $40 to produce," reports Forbes. "Microsoft won't say exactly how much, or what it plans to charge, but indications are Microsoft will be charging much more than cost."
Enter Don Mattrick, Senior Vice President of Microsoft's Interactive Entertainment Business (phew), who said that feedback for Natal "tested off the charts" and that they "won't fully price off that feedback."
The thought that Natal could cost Microsoft $40 to make is an interesting one, but is it accurate? And will the company charge over cost for profit, or sell under cost for mass adoption?
All we know is that Forbes is a little off with its not-so-direct comparison with Nintendo's console. "By comparison, the Wii, which Microsoft certainly hopes to compete with, has a suggested retail price of $199." Except, Natal won't work on its own will it Forbesy?
How much do you think Natal will cost? Let us know in the comments below.