Heavy Rain DLC Will Be Blinding

Play as a blind man in weekly episode updates.

Posted by Staff
Heavy Rain DLC Will Be Blinding
Heavy Rain's director, David Cage, has revealed that downloadable content for Heavy Rain will be distributed on a weekly basis, and will focus on linked scenarios not touched upon in the story.

Italian website 4News reports that additional DLC will allow players to discover new characters, one in particular being a blind man which relies on hearing to progress throughout the scene.

“We have a download content for Heavy Rain coming where the player plays a blind man, so the screen is all black and they have to use their surround sound to play the episode. It is the first surround sound gameplay experience (something similar had already been seen in Fahrenheit's note),” Cage said.

Plenty of opportunity for new and unique storytelling angles, then. For a weekly distribution though, we wonder how substantial a lot of this will end up being. But it fulfills Quantic Dream's vision of an interactive drama, in so far as that you'll be able to catch up to new episodes on a regular basis.

Heavy Rain is a PlayStation 3 exclusive, and is heading for a UK release on the 26th February.


Serpream 14 Jan 2010 11:19
Interesting idea. That is offcourse everyone had surround sound :/ Not to mention headphone limitations, sound compacting low budget speaker systems, Position setups.
Far too many factors can ruin it for other people who have half assed sound setups.
Jon Corton 14 Jan 2010 18:01
I can't WAIT for Heavy Rain, and regardless of price or plot I'm going to download every DLC that comes out for it. But, although this sounds pretty innovative and interesting, I don't see why I would be inclined to buy a DLC that's just a blank screen. Yes I'm sure it'll be just as awesome as everything Quantic Dream releases, but I'm a little hesitant about buying this audio-only DLC. Still gonna get it though.
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