Modern Warfare 2's 'Sexually Transmitted Disease'

Some says it's AIDS-like, which is just a bit sick

Posted by Staff
Modern Warfare 2's 'Sexually Transmitted Disease'
Okay, according to Destructoid at least, Modern Warfare 2 on Xbox 360 multiplayer has a problem that can, "'infect' your profile and turn you into the game equivalent of an HIV carrier." It apparently began via a PC mod.

The story carried information based on "reports (that) players get 'infected' by unwittingly joining a private match hosted by a carrier. They then get hit by the same issue -- unlimited ammo and no reloads -- and can pass it on if the end up hosting any games themselves. Allegedly, it's 'spreading like an STD.'"

Infinity Ward is apparently working on it - and Microsoft is banning anybody who uses it.


Funky 16 Dec 2009 17:16
Lol, I thought this article was going to be something to do with the "Infected" (which I have), or "STD" unlockable titles...

The "Infected" title I got when I was stabbed by somebody else wearing the title. I myself am now wearing it... I'm yet to come across anybody with the STD title yet. The only way to get it apparently, is to stab someone wearing "Infected" title in the back...

As a PC player I can state IWNet isn't a complete failure, but it does have a lot of problems. The fact that it uses steam is one of them...

I got shunted into one of the dodgy modded games at one point. No gravity, infinite ammo, no reload, etc... I haven't seen any ill efects since though? And yes, I'm quite regularly picked as host thanks to my 1.4MB upload speed.

I'd be more inclined to believe that the guys at Destructoid have got their wires crossed somewhere along the line, although I don't know much about what's happening on the consoles?
hgirl 17 Dec 2009 03:17
@Funky STD just a minor viru"s said by a member I met on a STD dating site named "STDpal com". There are many positive peopole who can manage their STD easily.
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Marty 17 Dec 2009 09:29

If u get it by joining a match.

Bit harsh to ban every1 using it!!
tomtom86004 17 Dec 2009 20:37
I have the std title and I was not in a glitch game when I contracted it I am not a cheater In fact I hate all forms of glitching.
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