Natal - You Move Your Hand - Master Chief Moves His

Time Magazine explains why its given Project Natal an award

Posted by Staff
Natal - You Move Your Hand - Master Chief Moves His
"You move your hand, and the Master Chief (or whoever) moves his hand. It's that simple. And that cool." This is how Time Magazine has described using Microsoft's Project Natal as the magazine awards the system.

Yes, the august magazine has given the yet to be released full-body motion control device an award as one of the 'Best Inventions of 2009,' using that line as part of its description.

There's more. Says Time: "Project Natal uses several cameras, plus a highly specialized microphone and a lot of fancy software, to track the gamer's body and interpret his or her voice."

That makes Natal the fifth best invention of the year.

Beating it are:

1 The Best Invention of the Year: NASA's Ares Rockets
2 The Tank-Bred Tuna
3 The $10 Million Lightbulb
4 The Smart Thermostat

Full list here.



config 12 Nov 2009 18:58
I can't tell you how much I've been longing for a game of hand waving
Jon 13 Nov 2009 09:20
So Natal is out invented by a thermostat..... Mmmmm
Way 23 Nov 2009 01:49
Wow, Nasa new rockets, after they squander the opportunity to greatly exceed this for $25m basic research funding they cut a few years back, will can Nasa rocket ever truly be considered a great invention worth it compared to what they game up.

Tank bred tuna very useful.

But is a $10m light bulb or smart thermostat really better than Natal.
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