Confirmed: New Xbox 360 'N' Wireless Adapter

Will sell with standard wireless unit.

Posted by Staff
Confirmed: New Xbox 360 'N' Wireless Adapter
Microsoft has confirmed that the 'Wireless N' adapter we reported on last week as it passed through FCC approval is to go on sale, apparently alongside the current wireless model.

Last week's report indicated a price-tag of $200 for the 'N' unit. This was neither confirmed nor denied by Microsoft when it issued its largely detail free confirmation-free confirmation to Joystiq.

The company did, however, say that the unit would provide "another choice to consumers" and that more details would be available soon.


deleted 22 Sep 2009 09:28
its cheaper for powerline adaptors!, giving even faster speeds than wireless n, than the current price for the A/B/G adaptor, so MS needs to price this right for once!, whoa ctually pays stupid money for the old en anyhoo?, i got one free when i signed up for BT ages ago, but i never use it as i stream HD and it just cant cut it.
alterseekers 22 Dec 2010 18:44
That's a nice and creative way to provide WiFi connection to those who already have the Xbox 360 with no built-in WiFi. With this , they can be able to connect their Xbox 360 to the internet using wireless connection through their wireless router. If this doesn't work for you though, and you're looking for a nice alternative, I've got just the thing for you. Check out this Xbox 360 Internet Connection Kit from Netgear, it acts the same way as the WiFi adapter giving wireless internet connectivity for your Xbox 360, and it also works for your PS2, PS3, and PC gaming. Check this link out:, for more information about this wonderful product from Netgear.
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