Treyarch Gives iPhone a Call of Duty for Free

Track your mates... spooky.

Posted by Staff
Treyarch Gives iPhone a Call of Duty for Free
Activision and one of the Call of Duty developers, in this case Tryarch, are releasing a free iPhone app called: The Call of Duty: World at War Companion.

No, it won't let you play CoD, it will supply you with news about it. So, basically, it's a free app that enables ActiBlizz to make sure you've not forgotten about its key title. That said, unlike some other suppliers of entertainment, at least ActiBlizz isn't making you pay and then making you watch advertising as well.

Here's the breakdown of what the app does once you've connected to your CoD account.

- Stat-Tracking: Check your rank on key stats like K/D ratio, win/lose record and more.
- Performance Tracking: Gain quick access to all of your weapon usage.
- Link with Friends: Monitor online activity, and the stats of friends with linked accounts on CoD accounts.


Gamer 4 Aug 2009 14:21
"Key Stats" is an understatement. This thing will show you detailed stats ranging from the number of shots you've fired (plus the number of hits and accuracy percentage) to the number of kills per weapon. Not only that but the interface is incredibly well designed and simple, considering everything that's packed into it.
hjkfdd 7 Aug 2009 16:14
my mobile cuted i will call from home
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