Sure, that's one garish headline. But the facts according to an Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) certification description of Bioware and Electronic Arts'
Dragon Age Origins are there for the naked eye to observe and probably be outraged at.
The description up on the ESRB tells us that in terms of violence, "A prisoner can be stabbed to death in order to steal a key; a merchant who overcharges refugees can be slashed in the throat; and a boy possessed by an evil demon can be killed off-screen".
So, stabbings, slashings and the killing of a man-child; those expecting folksy dragony myth are in for a bit of a surprise. Bear in mind that the slaughtered folks are NPCs - and the kid is possessed which presents a conundrum to the righteous: demonic possession versus cleansing?
What is likely to cause more uproar - especially in the USA where violence is constitutional but sex must only occur in Nevada
* is the sexual content.
The description states, "During the course of the game, players are able to visit a brothel where a hostess asks what they are interested in. If players select "Surprise me," they can sometimes wind up face-to-face with a woman, a man, a transsexual, or an animal; sexual activity is never depicted during these brothel encounters."
Of course it isn't. The odd bit of merchant throat slashing is one thing, but the act of love, well, that's disgusting. It gets worse, or better if you like being outraged.
"Players can also initiate brief cutscene sequences in which couples (male and female or same sex couples) can be depicted kissing, embracing, and caressing one another as the screen fades to black. Though the game never features human nudity, one female demon character is briefly depicted with bare breasts."
Same sex caressing! Is Bioware preparing to be
publicly flogged on Fox News?
* Yes, this is ironic.Source: ESRB Description