Lian Li, a Taiwanese manufacturer of PC casing, has announced the release of the PC-XB01, a new chassis for the Xbox 360 that could - it claims - solve Red Ring of Death problems.
Let's look more closely: the chassis is designed to 'alleviate' over-heating problems, as well as reduce noise from disc drives. The technical specs that will enable the PC-XB01 to do this run as follows - “The PC-XB01 is 160 x 250 x 415mm (W, D, H), giving lots of space for copious cool airflow. The 120mm (1500RPM) rear fan draws off the heat from inside the case effectively and silently, while the ODD region is encased in stylized foam to reduce noise experienced from spinning disks in standard units.”
The chassis also features holes for water pipes to provide added cooling should you desire to use them.
Lian Li also tells us, “The stylish exterior gives your product a sense of class and will fit in with almost any living room environment.” SPOnG's not quite convinced we'd go as far as “stylish”. It's all right, if you want your living-room to look a bit post-industrial...
In any case, if the PCXB01 does what Lian Li claims, it could well prevent RROD errors for its users. That can't be a bad thing, can it? Well, it could, actually. As you might expect, some DIY is required, which automatically invalidates your warranty. So, it might reduce the chance of overheating, but should anything else go wrong, you're up the brown creek without corporate support. Might be best to wait until your warranty's expired...
To be frank, it's really just a PC chasis that's been tweaked though.