Newton: Xbox 360 Motion Controller Revealed in Photo?

Crops up in magazine

Posted by Staff
Newtown: snapped by
Newtown: snapped by
A picture of the rumoured Newton controller that touches on the motion sensing capabilities of the Nintendo Wii (and to a lesser extent the PS3s Sixaxis) has surfaced.

Apparently plucked from the pages of Xbox World magazine by the ultimategamerspodcast site, the image (right) shows a left hand page with a big human right hand holding a device that could be the Newton - it could, of course, merely be a design model. It could even be a smashing piece of concept work by the magazine's art department.

Good spot from the chaps over at UG.

We have, of course, asked Microsoft to confirm or deny the reality of the situation. Apparently there is one person in the company who has never heard of the Newton though. That's corporate vice president, Microsoft Game Studios, Shane Kim, who has, "never heard of a motion sensing controller... I don't know what you are talking about...".

Microsoft has now returned serve with a polite, "We don't comment on rumour or speculation" with regard to our question, "Is it real?".

Once again, we await formal confirmation.


OptimusP 21 May 2008 16:10
Looks like a lightsaber with a d-pad on it actually. Now if it really was a that would sell!
TimSpong 21 May 2008 16:20
OptimusP wrote:
Looks like a lightsaber with a d-pad on it actually. Now if it really was a that would sell!

Lightsabers are like so "a long time ago"... that's like totally last year or something. I would like it to be a personal tazer.


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majin dboy 21 May 2008 16:31
ur always so formal in your posts tim.


TimSpong 21 May 2008 16:36
majin dboy wrote:
ur always so formal in your posts tim.

Damn, I was going for the 'young talk' that Mark SPOnG has been teaching... innit.



config 21 May 2008 16:58
Tim Smith wrote:
I would like it to be a personal tazer.

Please bro, don't taze 'em
DoctorDee 21 May 2008 17:10
Tim Smith wrote:
I would like it to be a personal tazer.

Taser. I sooo want one of these:

Red_Breast 21 May 2008 21:37

That's the Darwin made by Motus isn't it.
Motus are the company it's rumoured MS are working with on the Newton.
Joji 21 May 2008 22:44
Looks weirdly real. If it is, kudos to MS. Its good to see them taking motion control seriously, as there is absolutely no shame in learning from you competititors (can you here that, Nintendo?).

Your move, Sony.
PreciousRoi 22 May 2008 01:10
I sincerely hope it isn't real...d-pads are the tools of teh should have an analog stick.
SPInGSPOnG 22 May 2008 06:48
Joji wrote:
there is absolutely no shame in learning from you competititors

If Microsoft felt ANY shame at ripping off (sorry... learning from) its competitors, the entire company's product portfolio would contain nothing whatsoever right now.

The company started by appropriating QDOS, and licenced the core component for WIndows from Apple. Ever since then they've been copying every step of the way. It's their corporate credo.

SuperSaiyan4 22 May 2008 07:54
Looking back on Microsoft's history with rumours they shot down the HDMI one for ages and look what happened.
Also with the 120gb or bigger hard drive Microsoft kept shooting down that too saying get another 20gb and look what happened.

Now we have those X-mote lol its perhaps a concept design as it does look hideous and coupled with Microsoft saying they do invest in research for hardware etc this could be as I said a concept.
deleted 22 May 2008 09:50
Looks very much prototype right now, but i cant imagine it missing x,y,b and a buttons unless they are trying to rip off Ninty completely, which isnt beyond the realms of possiblility. all MS needs now is, Tiny Huge World Game!
majin dboy 22 May 2008 12:00
SS4 u really do confuse me, ur posts r totally uncoherent and ur examples to back up ur half baked points are at best slighty relevant....

"and coupled with Microsoft saying they do invest in research for hardware etc this could be as I said a concept."

ohhhh, yeh that time.
MarioGamer180 11 Jun 2008 22:54
F*cking Copy Cats Why Don't They Make Some Thing else and Don'y copy what Nintendo Did
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