Xbox 360 Lips 'Device' to be Unveiled?

But they're still sealed...

Posted by Staff
Well, we thought it was amusing... battles the pink robots and that...
Well, we thought it was amusing... battles the pink robots and that...
Microsoft's San Francisco Gamers Day - which is to be held in that lovely part of the world tomorrow (May today) - looks as if it could herald a hardware device named 'Lips' to the world. (We are assuming it's not going to be a Language Interface Pack).

Right now, aside from some empty folders residing on a Microsoft press site indicating a product called 'Lips' (as well as a game called Ninja Blade and a new Viva Piņata), the assumptions being chucked around the Internet is that Lips is a hardware peripheral.

Guesses from the 8bitjoystick site include, "a piece of hardware that is going to have something to do with voice communications" or "it might be a microphone for a singing game" or "it sounds like some sort of microphone or communicator".

Okay, right. We would also like to add in the fact that Lips 106 was also a radio station in GTA Liberty City Stories - we say this because it's a really poor way to segue into the fact that we hope the Microsoft Gamers Day will finally come up with some hard facts about the GTA IV DLC for the Xbox 360.

For now, however, we shall wait and see if we need a new voice comms device for the Xbox 360 outside of a headset and mic. Voice recognition would be fun, enabling teenaged Americans to scream, "Pwn that fu*cking noob f*cking lamer!" and for the 360 to immediately disconnect and then explode.

Of course, this could also be a version of Microsoft's latest webcam - the LifeCam VX-5000 - to be used over IP for the Xbox 360?

Your guesses to the Forum please.



deleted 13 May 2008 12:28
Damn the youth and their electronic fun!
SuperSaiyan4 13 May 2008 14:35
Can't remember the site but they let slip of what it is, what does Sony have that Microsoft does not have that is quite popular? Singstar...

Lips is basically Microsofts answer to that.
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TimSpong 13 May 2008 14:38
SuperSaiyan4 wrote:
Can't remember the site but they let slip of what it is, what does Sony have that Microsoft does not have that is quite popular? Singstar...

When you say, "they let it slip" - I think you must mean that site knows what it is rather than 'is speculating' like a lot of other people, including us.

Still, we all wait and see...

Cheers for the input


PreciousRoi 13 May 2008 14:43
Meh, 360 has Karaoke Revolution (presents American Idol) and Rock Band...wots SingStar got wots better than dem?
deleted 13 May 2008 15:08
PreciousRoi wrote:
Meh, 360 has Karaoke Revolution (presents American Idol) and Rock Band...wots SingStar got wots better than dem?

I dont think we have that in Europe yet....
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