Xbox 360's Blu-ray Drive Less Than Legendary?

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Xbox 360's Blu-ray Drive Less Than Legendary?
The legend of the Xbox 360's Blu-ray drive - a legend born of the death of HD DVD - appears to be becoming more of a reality if a report in China's Economic Daily News is to be believed.

A report in Digitimes in April indicated that Lite-On would "begin shipping the drives to Microsoft in the latter half of 2008".

The EDN story states that such a drive "is expected to begin shipping the third quarter, to attack the second half of the consumer electronics business season".

It further states (in translation) that, "Microsoft has commissioned the CD-ROM drive maker Lite-On Technology, from the development of the Xbox 360 Blu-ray optical drive".

It's likely that this drive will, like the benighted HD DVD version, be an external addition.

Source: EDN

"Legend: A non-historical or unverifiable story handed down by tradition from earlier times and popularly accepted as historical"


SuperSaiyan4 2 May 2008 09:50
Well it will have to happen at some point or time, its like a company saying 'We are not supporting DVD! CD-ROM FTW!' its laughable same in this case, a new medium or technology that is going to replace current tech has to be backed.

I look forward to an external blu-ray drive for my 360 saves me buying a PS3 at 3x the cost.
deleted 2 May 2008 10:34
SuperSaiyan4 wrote:

I look forward to an external blu-ray drive for my 360 saves me buying a PS3 at 3x the cost.

i read that as...

I look forward to an external Blu-Ray Drive for my 360 Saves,

Me buying a PS3 at 3x the cost

of course i re-read it and understood.
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DavidB 3 May 2008 02:47
For it to be truly useful. It needs to replace the internal DVD since games can't use the external. No shortage of reports that game devs want more single disc storage. 50 GB outta do, and beats the hell outta a game having to ship on 4-6 DVD's.
Byt87 3 May 2008 20:57
"l Iook forward to an external blu-ray drive for my 360 saves me buying a PS3 at 3x the cost."

Hmm, 40 gig PS3 - £300. 360 Core - £150

Now, lets say the drive costs £100 (which it will probably exceed) - racks up the 360 cost to £250. Add on the £120 for a 120 gig HDD and it comes up to £370.

When, for a similar price, buy a 40 gig ps3, upgrade its HDD WITHOUT voiding your warranty with ANY choice of 2.5" SATA hdd with free online gaming, hmm where is the winner?
deleted 3 May 2008 23:32
Byt87 wrote:
"l Iook forward to an external blu-ray drive for my 360 saves me buying a PS3 at 3x the cost."

Hmm, 40 gig PS3 - £300. 360 Core - £150

Now, lets say the drive costs £100 (which it will probably exceed) - racks up the 360 cost to £250. Add on the £120 for a 120 gig HDD and it comes up to £370.

When, for a similar price, buy a 40 gig ps3, upgrade its HDD WITHOUT voiding your warranty with ANY choice of 2.5" SATA hdd with free online gaming, hmm where is the winner?

were all winners!
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