Resistance 2 has a Medicinal Moment

New artwork inside

Posted by Staff
Life surely cannot be easy when you're living in the past of a post-apocalyptic alternate timeline. SPOnG thinks about it all the time. That's why we're glad to see these new pieces of artwork from the upcoming PlayStation 3 shooter, Resistance: Fall of Man 2. One of them shows off a medic from the game's multiplayer mode. Healthcare, phew!

Granted, he might not be able to help you with your niggling bowel complaints. Nor is he likely to help you with athlete's foot. Still, it's good to know that when some nasty piece of Chimeran filth puts a hole in you, the aforementioned medic will be around to stick a tampon in the wound to stop the bleeding.

Anyway, while you contemplate how lucky you are not to live in a past overrun with alien invaders, check out these pics of a Medic and Special Ops chap.

(Don't worry - tampons have been around since the backend of the 19th century - we checked. For clarity's sake, we should point out that Sony hasn't confirmed that tampons will be available for combat medicinal purposes as they are in EA's Army of Two. We're almost certain that they will become a new standard, however).


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