Sony Europe: No Plans for White PlayStation 3

Shame! We're bored with our black one now...

Posted by Staff
Sony Europe: No Plans for White PlayStation 3
A Federal Communications Commission (FCC) FCC filing picked off the organisation's website and turned into news that ceramic white PlayStation 3s will be available in the United States and Europe soon has been denied by Sony.

The Next Generation site states, "The initial filings were made in October of 2007, and show that Sony requested short-term confidentiality so as to "avoid premature release of sensitive information prior to marketing or release of this product to the public".

However, the tale has now been updated with both SCEA and SCEE offering staunch denials: "SCEA make many of these filings each year and it does not necessarily mean they will definitely happen… As for SCEE, we have no plans [to release the Ceramic White PS3] at the moment".

That 'at the moment' comment is always a teaser though, isn't it?

Source: Next Generation


deleted 22 Jan 2008 15:15
I hope all you sony fanboys will now conceed to the fact that the PS3 will fail big time because of this, the only thing of sucessfully help the PS3 win the war was to be launched in white!!, Ceramic white at that! in fact i now have heard rumors that FFXIII and MGS4 are being switched to 360 Dev only because of this, The 360 current success is only atributed to the fact its main colour is white (the elite being aimed for parent/families who think black is cool) and the sales show such a result!!

When will sony learn!!!
daz 22 Jan 2008 15:22
i fail to see your logic in a console failing just because of it's colour, if i remember correctly the PS2 and XB where black and they both did fine.
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mrAnthony 22 Jan 2008 15:26
sighs at daz.
daz 22 Jan 2008 15:46
mrAnthony wrote:
sighs at daz.

now what have i done?
config 22 Jan 2008 16:34
daz wrote:
mrAnthony wrote:
sighs at daz.

now what have i done?

Had an ironectomy, methinks
HyperTails 22 Jan 2008 19:25
That is such a bad point that I don't know where to begin.

Although hopefully Sony will release the white PlayStation 3 in Europe soon. I won't be getting one because my nice black 60Gb does just fine, but new colours always seem to boost sales. Just ask Nintendo.
deleted 22 Jan 2008 20:05
HyperTails wrote:
That is such a bad point that I don't know where to begin.

Although hopefully Sony will release the white PlayStation 3 in Europe soon. I won't be getting one because my nice black 60Gb does just fine, but new colours always seem to boost sales. Just ask Nintendo.

Sighs at Hypertail..
Joji 22 Jan 2008 23:59
Sony are a freaking joke. They take out BC, something they plugged and many wanted, supposedly to cut costs but still have money to push out ceramic white PS3s. WTF!

Who cares what colour it is, we just want our damn PS2 games to work on it, you freakazoids.

More proof Sony can't prioritise or treat us with respect. I kinda hope PS3 flops so they can learn a lesson, to put the customer before themselves and freaking Blu Ray.
deleted 23 Jan 2008 01:39
Joji wrote:
More proof Sony can't prioritise or treat us with respect. I kinda hope PS3 flops so they can learn a lesson, to put the customer before themselves and freaking Blu Ray.

I get what your saying by that, Sony lose and shift their total focus on Gaming and forget optical media pushing or whatever else they want,

But with the recent HD DVD annoucements it looks like the PS3 will be become a seriously fast selling console, by year end or next, as soon as consumers start looking for HD movie players, but for the wrong reasons, and whether games sell or not is another thing, but Sony wont learn any lessons if 100-200 mil are sold at the end of its life even if that was because everyone wanted a cheap but Quality Bluray Player..

But then again a reverse effect could happen maybe those buying these for blu ray will actually want games too and we might actually start seeing some worthy games gracing this console, because in the end its a quality system with High Def movie capability, just need some darn games for it :)
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