Soldier of Fortune 2 Confirmed

Soldier of Violence returns!

Posted by Staff
Soldier of Fortune 2 Confirmed
Activision has gone on record to state that Raven Software has commenced production of Soldier of Fortune 2 for PC with the prospect (read likelihood) of a conversion to next generation home consoles.

"The original Soldier of Fortune broke new ground with its unrelenting action and gritty portrayal of combat," said Larry Goldberg, executive vice president at Activision Worldwide Studios. "In the sequel we want to extend the experience with more accurate damage modeling, detailed environments and a strong emphasis on realism."

The original Soldier of Fortune did indeed bring new levels of realism to the first person shooter. It also outraged hoards of videogame moral objectors with its shocking portrayal of violence. We loved it.

What sold Soldier of Fortune to us was the fact that you were able to kill everybody, and in quite a nasty way. When shot, opponents didn’t just fall over and die, they screamed in agony holding severed limbs. You could even stand above dead stricken terrorists, listen to them plead and blow their arms and legs off, one by one. Sick? Maybe! Popular? Definitely!


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