Xbox LIVE Speeds Up

Faster, downloads, faster!

Posted by Staff
Xbox LIVE Speeds Up
Microsoft has announced a new partnership with digital content delivery specialists Limelight Networks to improve the reliability and functionality of Xbox Live.

Limelight offers similar services to numerous companies, including DreamWorks, Facebook and MySpace and will provide media streaming and content delivery services to Microsoft under a multiyear deal. The two companies also agreed to cross-license their technologies.

Limelight helps companies deliver graphics, video and music to online users more reliably by finding less congested routes over the Internet and competes with Akamai Technologies Inc – the company that provides similar services to Sony and Nintendo.

Financial terms of the agreement were not disclosed.

Whatever, just make our downloads fast with no nonsense, Microsoft, and we’ll not keep going on about the red ring of death or overheating, smoking steering wheels and stuff!



majin dboy 24 Aug 2007 14:20
hey as long as ther is no increase in cost for a Live account, im happy.
Joji 24 Aug 2007 14:59
Live is great service, I do however think that they should scrap the silver accounts and just have gold ones, which offer the customer more, for what little you pay. This would also get more people online too.
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deleted 25 Aug 2007 21:50
Joji wrote:
Live is great service, I do however think that they should scrap the silver accounts and just have gold ones, which offer the customer more, for what little you pay. This would also get more people online too.

i think they should scrap silver and get gold down in price or free, £34.99 for a year is wrong, ninty is free, sony is free, and i pay £34.99 for online gaming i pay enough for arcade gaming and premium downloads why should i pay to access gaming, maybe if a browser and other goodies were thrown in i wouldnt mind, Messenger was a good step.
PreciousRoi 25 Aug 2007 23:14
Why on earth would you want them to scrap silver accounts? I do think calling them silver accounts is silly, since they're free, but why take them away? As for lowering the price, I don't see it as too unreasonable at them moment, and would rather see improved service.
hollywooda 28 Aug 2007 09:38
I don't mind paying for a service that works & provides, I used to spend 5 quid a month to buy OXM for the demos & trailers that works out to about 60 quid a year, plus with Live u get movies trailers, Live Arcade gaming event downloads & best of all a pretty much seamless online gaming service!?.... I don't mind paying as long as MS keep delivering, I think the problem with a free service is company's wont be so active in insuring you get a 1st class service, because they can always say "well what do u expect it is free?"
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