Hitler 'Bunkered' By Microsoft On Xbox LIVE: Video!

Nazi dictator does his nut!

Posted by Staff
Hitler 'Bunkered' By Microsoft On Xbox LIVE: Video!
Now, the following video is either one of the finest pieces of viral marketing that Microsoft has ever released or simple genius.

Using footage from Oliver Hirschbiegel's masterful Der Untergang (Downfall) and some subtle subtitling - okay, not subtle at all - the video tells the tale of a Nazi dictator (played by the mighty Bruno Ganz) and his modded Xbox 360, now permanently banned from Xbox Live due to Microsoft's recent pogrom.

Now, why are we confused about whether it's genius or marketing? Well, the vid shows Hitler (who was evil, for those youngsters who weren't taught about him) banned from Xbox Live; it also shows some rather less than complimentary references to other console manufacturers. Clever, uh?

However, it has been pointed out that had Microsoft created this work, the person who produced it would have had to have been 'disappeared' on completion of the project.

So, it probably is just really clever use of an already brilliant movie - in which case, well done the folks at dampowls.net

Warning: The following video contains extremely strongly-languaged subtitles (yes, we said, 'strongly-languaged')



crs117 16 Jun 2007 16:19

DoctorDee 16 Jun 2007 18:41
The car one is funnier, I think.

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Pudgeman 17 Jun 2007 05:14
If hitler has an xbox...360... then im buying a ps3... thats a sad sad form of marketing....
Michael Bailey 19 Jun 2007 10:13
That was great, so funny. Think that the person responsible for it has a bit of a hatred of Nintendo (Wii/N64 bad?). But that was great. Especially the bit with Eva Braun saying about the PS3.
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