There is a fantastic liveliness to the Xbox community - this mainly comes from the fact given the inclination, disposable income and some technical knowledge you can actually modify the piece of kit, the 360, that you worked so hard to earn. Modding is part of the Xbox world.
So, when Microsoft decided to
ban modded machines from Xbox Live earlier this month, it was only ever going to time before the modders struck back. This they have done with a firmware hack that apparently gives a cloaking shield to modded units in Live. That way, Microsoft can't ban you.
The iXtreme firmware hack for Toshiba-Samsung drives, apparently:
"v1.0) Defeats all current and some future Xbox Live detection attempts
(v1.0) Boots ONLY Stealth Xtreme Xbox 360 backups
(v1.0) Boots ONLY Stealth Xtreme Xbox 1 backups
(v1.0) Boots all Xbox 360 originals
(v1.0) Boots all Xbox 1 originals on Xbox 360
Use on Xbox Live at own risk
Technical details
Defeats all current and some future Xbox Live detection attempts."
We say 'apparently' as we've yet to see anything that can prevent future developments. Also, bear in mind that the machines that Microsoft banned in its last cycle are out for good, so this hack won't bring renewed Live life.
Is this a case of "Hurrah for the ingenious underground! One up Microsoft from the innovators?" or is this a case of "Oh, shit, now all my games on Live are going to be screwed up by smart-Alec nerds who are showing off and ruining the fun for everybody else?" Tell us in the Forum below.