ASDA Cuts 360 Game Prices

£12.97 for some...

Posted by Staff
ASDA Cuts 360 Game Prices
UK supermarket chain (owned by Wal-Mart, mind you) has dragged the Xbox 360 into its ongoing price war with Sainsbury's, slashing several games to £12.97 and discounting others. But this isn't a snub to every 360 owner's favourite piece of hardware - it's part of a strategy that will see some 2,500 items discounted by the grocer in coming weeks.

The following games are showing up on the Asda site at the sub-£13 mark:

Kameo (Classics range)
Tony Hawk's American Wasteland
Perfect Dark Zero (Classics range)

According to a report in UK industry journal, MCV, the discounting doesn't stop at Microsoft though. The PlayStation 3 sees PS3 Sonic the Hedgehog and World Snooker Championship 2007 dropped to £30.97 and Genji is on sale for £31.97.

Nintend-ites can also rejoice with Rampage (Wii) going for £14.97 and Ultimate Spider-Man on Game Boy Advance for £6.97.


Moschops 14 May 2007 19:44
Sonic the Hedgehog for £30.97?

you couldn';t give it it away - its utter s**te
sneakyduck 15 May 2007 07:56
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