Xbox Live: Top Ten Most Popular Games Ever PLUS Compared To The Office!

And other nifty facts

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Xbox Live: Top Ten Most Popular Games Ever PLUS Compared To The Office!
Microsoft, not wanting us to forget it exists as GDC gathers steam, has released a few titbits of information on how its console division is performing.

The most striking fact to come from the announcement is the figure of six-million people with Xbox Live memberships (although these are not broken down into Gold, Silver memberships). Before you get excited and start thinking that 60% of 360 owners are using Xbox Live, however, SPOnG would like to point out that a number of those will be old-fashioned plain old Xbox users.

Microsoft also announced that since Xbox Live launched in November 2002 gamers have racked-up over 260,000 years of play on the service. It points out that the 18-34 audience size for Xbox Live is comparable to that of a popular TV show such as The Office.

Also of interest is the fact that the 360 has hit its target of 10-million units 'shipped', although it does not specify whether that figure was met by the end of 'the holidays', a marker Microsoft predicted it would hit.

Microsoft went on to dish up the Top 10 most used Live titles to date on the 360:

1 Halo 2
2 Gears of War
3 Hexic HD
4 Call of Duty 2
5 Ghost Recon 3
6 Call Of Duty 3
7 Oblivion
8 PGR3
9 Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas
10 Perfect Dark Zero

It also gave the Top nine (don't ask us why they went for nine) most downloaded games:

1 Street Fighter II' Hyper Fighting
3 Bankshot Billiards 2
4 Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved
5 Texas Hold 'em
8 Contra
9 Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3

So... good for Microsoft, we reckon.


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