The Magic That Geeks Do: Portable N64

Man makes dream reality. Soldering iron sales soar

Posted by Staff
Bow down N00bz!
Bow down N00bz!
We once had to solder something in the office. We can't tell you what for legal reasons but we did and we didn't really like it. We had instructions, the patient, some wires and a great deal of hope. The task went to Gareth, our in-house expert in making electricity run down wires by precision-melting lead substitute in appropriate places.

Gareth had to hand an iron, some solder, a 'sucker', a device for handily sucking up mis-melted solder and the belief of all of us. Nothing could go wrong in the warranty-ending display of digital surgery. An hour later and we had a dead patient, a destroyed transplant organ and a melted sucker and Gareth with explanations of how he had the wrong type of this and that.

What we're saying is, even our A-Team couldn't begin to even dream of what this crazy chap has done, which is to make his very own portable Nintendo 64. Made using the innards of a standard machine, so natty soldering and a bent for manipulating power, click here to see the process for yourself.


warbaby 19 Jun 2006 21:52
Ah... look up Ben Heck. The guy has been doing this for ages, and actually has a book on how to do such things... he has a PS2, SNES, N64... just to name a few...

I've actually made my own p64...
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