From what SPOnG saw of Epic’s Gears of War at Microsoft’s pre-E3 press shindig earlier this month, the game is shaping up to be an, err, epic, next generation videogaming experience.
Its lead designer, Cliff Bleszinski (Cliffy B to his friends) recently spoke to US blog, Joystiq about the problems of launching a game at E3, his thoughts about developing for Wii,
thatPS3 tilt-controller, the ‘mom’ test of next gen graphics and his thoughts on episodic content.
Speaking of why Gears of War was only playable ‘behind closed doors’ at the show, Mr B, candidly admitted: “the show floor - to me - is a clusterfuck. It is an absolute trainwreck of noise, and boobs, and sweat, and swag, and there is no worse venue to pick up a game and start to play than the show floor of E3.”
We quite agree. It’s a clever strategy, as Cliffy goes on to say, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression and I would rather people's first impression playing the game hands-on be outside of the insanity that is the show floor of E3.”
Speaking of the Wii, Cliffy said he wanted to play it, just never got the time at E3 (plus more importantly, didn’t know anyone to help him jump the lengthy queue!) and he did admit that Epic are currently ‘in talks’ with Nintendo – which we’ll keep you updated on.
Speaking of the PS3 he admitted to liking the tilt controller, saying “I think we could do some cool stuff there. Possibly do some integration with the PSP. And, to be honest, that's all I can think of right now. I haven't put a lot of thought into it. I've been so nose-deep in Gears on the 360.”
He also made a good point about graphical differences between the two ‘next gen’ machines: “I think we're at the point where technologically ... I have what I call the "mom test." Take a game that's on 360 and on PS3, can your mom tell the difference in graphic quality? If she can't, is there that much of a difference?”
Finally, Cliffy admitted that he was ‘thrilled’ by the potential of episodic downloadable content on 360: “the fact that Microsoft has this umbilical cord hooked into all the gamers with Live and they recognize that it's its own station of television, of music, of entertainment, and they're branding it successfully, I'm completely thrilled about that. I'd love to have a game that comes out in one-hour increments. I think what Ritual's doing with SiN is really exciting and I think more people need to do this. Pay a couple bucks for en episode to end with a cliffhanger moment and you have the Lost version for videogames.”
More Gears of War news to follow as soon as we get it.