PSP Jabber Lives! MSN Messenger, ICQ and AIM All in!

Now you can not do work even when you're not at work!

Posted by Staff
Hey baby, wanna cyber?
Hey baby, wanna cyber?
PSPupdates reports that a version of the wonderful Jabber client has just been released for Sony's PSP, albeit via the rabid homebrew scene the console tolerates and currently only working on firmware Version 1.5

As you probably know, Jabber is an open source instant messaging protocol, which also provides gateways to other instant messenger systems such as those from AOL/Yahoo!, Microsoft and ICQ. This means you can use a single chat client to sign in to all of your other messaging accounts. It's also the technology used behind Google's GTalk chat client.

The PSP client has been "probed" by the servers, and, though we're not quite sure why this is a good thing. One thing is for sure; if the client works on one Jabber server, it should work on them all.

The controls are as follows;

Start: Menu
L: Change Contact to send messages
R: Change Contact to send messages
X: Cancel
O: Confirm

D-pad: Select a character
A-nub: Change UPPER/lower case
O: Insert selected character
X: Delecte a character
Triangle: Insert space
Square: Enter/Send message

One thing that is clear from this is that, as you'd expect, entering messages will be a right royal pain in the arse. Trying to quickly tap out witty IM responses is sure to make those squinty, hunch-backed commuters and loitering kids look like touch typists, as they rattle out their SMS txt msgs.

A working Jabber client for firmware V2.0 is also underway as we type. However, if you're desperate to enter the realm of "messaging claw hand" (msg clw hnd?), you can grab the first 'proper' IM client for the PSP here.

Jabber is SPOnG's IM of choice, and we love it. If you want to give it a try on your desktop, head to the client page to find a client for your OS of choice.


majin dboy 2 Mar 2006 14:24
on msn messages are normally brief,but every once and a while ur go on a rant.the d pad movement would make any long converstion torturious.
With the DSs touchscreen capabilities,it would be significantly more suited but still a pain.
soanso 3 Mar 2006 01:44
D-pad or not. I'd still talk a load of utter nonsense on there anyway.
It's a nice thing to have, IM software, but don't know how useful it would be in reality. Now if the PSP had a microphone.....
more comments below our sponsor's message
warbaby 3 Mar 2006 02:41
YES! Now I can take carpal tunnel on the road with me. And I thought IMing was hard on a Palm Pilot...
OptimusP 3 Mar 2006 21:50
Now if it only had a touchscreen on a seperate second screen to function as a keyboard... no wait...
PhilboBaggins 4 Mar 2006 12:37
Thing is though, we said that about text messaging. Have you seen how fast a 12 year old can type out Hamlet's Soliloquy on a Nokia 6210?

We'll all be soon be PeSPing each other!

I'm not saying I'll understand a word of it though.
dogan 3 Dec 2007 15:38
gusel pro
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