PSP Set to Fulfil Porta-Wank Destiny!

Hot European threesomes promised.

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PSP Set to Fulfil Porta-Wank Destiny!
It was always going to happen, right from the word go. It was just a matter of time. The PlayStation Portable is about to become the 'train-toilet crafty-one’s' gadget of choice, replacing the copy of Escort bought at the station for those who cannot last a day without looking at reproductive organs of ladies.

A report cropping up on Adult Video News claims that in the next few months, we’ll be seeing an explosion of harder adult content for Sony’s new console, following in Playboy’s legs-together butt prints from earlier this year.

"Hey, it's mobile video; porn is a natural", Andy Alvarez, president of Webmaster Central and porn-lover told AVN. "Just like PCs, it makes a great excuse: ‘Honey I'm just playing Grand Theft Auto,’ and secretly you’re checking out a hot European threesome!" An interesting point given pornography is classed as material likely to corrupt the user… almost makes us cast a wistful glance in the direction of a certain [url=]Mr Thompson…[/url]

Of course, this isn’t the first time porn on the PSP has reared its purple head, winking its eye in Sony's direction. Back in June, Sony reacted to Japanese porn houses planning a PSP push (or should that be pull?) deeming the content “utterly undesirable”.

“The PSP is the first Personal Media Player with wide acceptance,” said Sam Sugar, founder of “Any portable video device will carry porn eventually, but until there are more options, for most Americans the PMP category will mean PSP. Of course this is a nail in the coffin of DVD. All this content will be downloaded online. With PMPs you can plug into your TV or beam to TV wirelessly, and the need for DVDs will diminish.”

Though perhaps Sugar isn’t entirely correct, SPOnG has learned that several Chinese outfits are already planning movie releases on non-writable generic Memory Sticks. The releases will see counterfeit movies pre-formatted for PSP to be sold in Japan. Any movie industry could adopt this model for official releases of its own content as the wait for open UMD authoring continues.

We’ll bring you updates on all things PSP as soon as we're done in the toilet!


VastikRoot 20 Oct 2005 14:57
Surely the new ipod will become the portable porn player of choice what with it's significantly bigger storage space and battery power? And it's probably easier to hold with one hand...
config 20 Oct 2005 15:04
...and its tiny, pathetic, postage-stamp screen!

Yeah, that's really something to whack off to.

more comments below our sponsor's message
VastikRoot 20 Oct 2005 15:39
Hmm, good point.
LUPOS 20 Oct 2005 15:43
config wrote:
...and its tiny, pathetic, postage-stamp screen!

Yeah, that's really something to whack off to.

i find the pda full screened and turned on its side is great for ...uh.... catchign up on episodes of Lost... yea.. thats the ticket!
majin dboy 20 Oct 2005 17:22
Joji 20 Oct 2005 19:42
Funny comment Majin, but a little lame all the same. Some folk don't want the hassle of chasing females and prefer to be single. It's a very jaded world that thinks everyone should have another half as such, while from a primal natural point of view it makes a lot of sense.

Fact is that there will always be single people in this world, and while society might consider the single male as sad lonely w****r the same is never said of single women in the same situation. While one might prefer the comfort of visual porn the other prefers soap operas and erotic fiction to fill their needs. Different strokes for different gender folks if you will.

Those who choose to use porn UMDs on their PSP, I say good luck to them for it is their choice to make. I just pray they use some alcohol wipes on their PSP after before later handing it to a close friend or stranger to play games.

Jeez, that beer scene from American Pie is crawling it's grim but funny thought back into my head again. Yuck! A dark tale indeed. Just don't aim at the

As for men and women I feel both should accept the need to sometimes look outside of the box they can be in called a relationship. Men should be able to have their porn and women their erotic novels (if they both feel the need for them and enjoy them) without fear of persecution or fear of each other. Maybe a very rose-tinted view but still something to strive for.

I do think more people will dig through the net for porn though which will give them much more variety than UMDs will ever offer. PMPs are best for this kind of thing so PSP porn will just co-exist a part of the scene on a low key wink wink level.

Sony need not stress about this too much, for now. Couchy Couchy Cou!!
kid_77 21 Oct 2005 09:27
majin dboy wrote:

Do you have a girlfirend? Has she stopped you wanking? Jeez, she must be one FILTHY BITCH!
config 21 Oct 2005 09:48
And sore! Constantly sore.
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