A PSP is a demanding pet. Raising the funds to bring one home is hard enough, but just when you’re starting to getting along with your new friend, you realise the levels of commitment the little fella requires. Being an exotic creature, the PSP cannot survive without a rich and varied diet to keep him in fine fettle. Like all handheld consoles, he has a predilection for software, particularly games. He also enjoys the odd movie, and he adores music. But most costly of all is his hunger for the PSP Memory Stick Duo.
They don’t come cheap these Memory Stick Duos, and you’ll be lucky to find a 1Gb one for less than £70. Research by gadget behaviouralists suggests that the MS Duo is slightly addictive in nature. There are already reports of PSPs demanding a 2Gb dosage of their owners, when only months ago they were quite happy with 1Gb. And a 2Gb ‘shot’ doesn’t come cheap. Even if you can find one, you’ll be looking to pay in the region of £140. Some owners have had success using MS Duo substitutes, which as well as being cheaper, also come in smaller doses. But see that look of reproach on his little face when you plonk the bowl down in front of him? Don’t kid yourself – he can tell the difference.
Luckily for PSP lovers everywhere, there’s hope on the horizon. Those wizards at Datel, the UK third-party hardware company, say they are working on a product which should alleviate the problem. Their 4Gb hard drive inserts straight into the battery slot on your PSP’s backside, and, so the theory goes, delivers such a whopping dosage that your little friend may never beg for ‘memory’ again. But that’s not all: the slimline unit also doubles up as a battery pack, which handily also addresses the PSP’s notorious thirst for power. Hong Kong import company and well known Sony baiters Lik-Sang says it hopes to have the device in stock soon, and is tentatively accepting pre-orders at the not inconsiderable price of $249.99. Which sounds like a lot at first, but isn’t a lot more than the price of a 2Gb MS Duo, but comes with twice as much memory and and can wash away those battery life blues. It also includes the cost of flying the packs out there from Datel. The answer to all your sleek companion’s problems, Datel’s 4Gb HDD should be available by the end of the month.