Make Your PSP More Obnoxious!

Deafen envious onlookers with Logic3 accessories.

Posted by Staff
Logic3's Sound Grip
Logic3's Sound Grip
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Waiting patiently for dithering Sony to release the PSP in Europe? Perhaps you’ve already got one from an import site, despite the best efforts of the rather draconian SCEE?

Well, we know that the lovely, shiny, handheld console is called a ‘PlayStation Portable’, but wouldn’t you like it to be just a little bit bigger? That way, people on the train will be more likely to be jealous. Also, maybe you want the machine to be a bit louder too? Then your fellow travellers will be forced to notice that you have by far the most trendy portable entertainment gadget in the carriage.

Well, watch the trumped iPod wearers look awkwardly at their shoes as you unleash the power of this bad boy! The Logic3 Sound Grip adds handles and an enormous speaker to your PSP. Envious onlookers will be left in no doubt as to your technological supremacy.

Logic 3 also makes an even bigger plug-in speaker system for the PSP, but you won’t be able to play games using it. Unless you’re a professional basketball player, your thumbs simply won’t reach the buttons. It’s more for watching films at home, and usefully it incorporates a jack for keeping your PSP charged while it sits snugly in its stand. The sound system retails for £49.99, while the sound grip is much cheaper at £17.99. You can check out the specs here

Useful, desirable accessories, or pointless toys for rich show-offs? Let us know what you make of these products in the forums below.


fluffstardx 2 Aug 2005 13:45
Surely, the usage of the second one is negated by, say, the use of a real TV? I mean, maybe for in-car, but in-car DVD is so much cheaper than a PSP + speakers...
Joji 2 Aug 2005 15:03
That's right crank that volume right up loud. There's nothing more rebelious than annoying folk while bustin up some Ridge Racers.

Should be interesting to see how many don't get arrested playing their X rated flicks on public transport next to grannies, how many would try it with one of these babies attached would be a brave person indeed. Don't forget the polizei are patrol London's public transport.

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