Stormfront Studios, the developer behind EA’s Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers and the forthcoming DemonStone title, are busying themselves with some exciting new work, according to a recent job advertisement on their website: “We are currently in pre-production on a console action-adventure game based on a major new Hollywood film, and we’re about to start our first PSP title…”
What this ‘major new Hollywood film’ might be is anyone’s guess, but the two obvious contenders for 2005 would be Star Wars III and Batman Begins. It’s obviously not Star Wars, and so we would be inclined to opt for Batman Begins, which EA is rumoured to be publishing. It would certainly fit with Stormfront’s fantastical former works and the role of ‘PS2 action-adventure’.
If this mystery game-of-film is indeed Batman Begins, it would be no surprise to see it also appearing on other formats – including the PSP. We’re hoping it’s a distinct possibility, even if only to witness a digitised version of the mighty Sir Michael Caine as Alfred the butler.
Stormfront is also looking to the future, as well it should if it wants to stay in business, and will be making the entirely necessary steps to keep up with technological advancements: “Preparing the strategic groundwork for the transition to the next generation of consoles”, as they say.
More Stormfront news as and when it breaks.