“WiTricity”: The Future Of Handheld Gaming?

Boffins make breakthrough with wireless power

Posted by Staff
The guys at MIT show just how safe it is to stand in the path of wireless power.
The guys at MIT show just how safe it is to stand in the path of wireless power.
Scientists from Massachusetts Institute of Technology have made a breakthrough that could have significant implications for portable gaming: wireless power.

The team has managed to light a 60W light bulb using a power source seven feet away with no physical connection using what it calls “WiTricity”.

In MIT's words, here's how the technology works: "WiTricity is based on using coupled resonant objects. Two resonant objects of the same resonant frequency tend to exchange energy efficiently, while interacting weakly with extraneous off-resonant objects."

Or, in more dumbed-down terms, “Imagine a room with 100 identical wine glasses, each filled with wine up to a different level, so they all have different resonant frequencies. If an opera singer sings a sufficiently loud single note inside the room, a glass of the corresponding frequency might accumulate sufficient energy to even explode, while not influencing the other glasses.” You get the gist.

What the technology could mean is that in the future you'll be able to charge your PSP 3 without ever plugging it in. We know, the effort of plugging a wire in isn't immense, but what about that annoying point in your train journey when your battery dies? A WiTricity terminal would certainly make your time with GNER a bit less frustrating.

The notion of wireless energy is nothing new, but increasing numbers of portable electrical such as gaming handhelds, phones and iPods has made research in the field more commercially viable.

Granted, you're not going to be beaming power directly your DS next month, but a wireless future is getting ever-closer.


CrazyBlue 11 Jun 2007 15:42
This is great news! I always wondered how long it would take for someone to do this! The future is looking good!!
hollywooda 11 Jun 2007 15:50
I'm not so sure about the safety of standing in the way of wireless power... look @ that guy sitting down looks like he's starting to melt?!?...
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Joji 11 Jun 2007 15:50
Yep, the futures so bright, I gotta wear shades. Lol.
crs117 11 Jun 2007 15:58
unfortunately this technology will be limited in its uses. first of all its maximum theoretical output has been placed at 50% efficiency. this means that 50% of the energy is dissipated to heat.

this does have very practical uses but it will be limited to recharging items remotely that may have a barrier or so in front of it. this really isnt new tech...just better application of said tech (that tesla basically put into place).

Etc 11 Jun 2007 16:13
So much cancer this would cause
ajmetz 11 Jun 2007 18:04
With wireless airport cards, wireless keyboard, wireless mouse, the power chord's one of the last wires left on an iMac?
(excuding all the usb and firewire devices)

Imagine a desktop computer that was just a screen, a keyboard, and a mouse. ^_^ No wires.

-_-...*starts thinking about laptops*....

=P All we need now, is a safe way to dump nuclear waste into outer space, without worrying about it burning up enroute in the atmosphere, or due to a launch crash, and raining down upon us.
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