Chairs Made Out of Old PlayStations

Trendy furniture recycling gone mad!

Posted by Staff
Chairs Made Out of Old PlayStations
Are you an environmentally-aware, recycling-obsessed gamer? If so you may be turned on by these new trendy ‘Reee’ chairs made from recycled old PS2s (pictured).

We like the look of them, although for nearly a hundred quid a pop, we really ought to. We’ll hopefully blag one off them soon for a ‘review’ to give you the full details on comfort, support and overall ethical consumer score out of ten, from our resident ‘ethical consumer’ (hippy), Adam.

The chair also has a sign on the back saying ‘recycle again and again and again’ meaning that if you get bored of it you can turn it into something else. Though, if you spend £100 on a chair and then decide to turn it into something else, you really should be re-assessing your priorities.

You can’t actually buy them until September, but should you want to pre-order (or give them some more broken old consoles!) head to their website at

On a more general note, the games industry is often criticised for its LACK of environmental awareness (excessive plastic packaging, unsustainable and environmentally unfriendly business practises and so on). With this in mind - what do YOU suggest games companies should do to improve their green image?


theflc 15 May 2007 10:06
I don't know... green image you say? how about blue eyeliner? I'm rubbish at makeup STOP ASKING ME!!!!
realvictory 15 May 2007 19:50
Why don't they not melt down the PS2s beforehand? Then you have a chair that plays games! Idiots, what a waste!

I have an idea, though - send your PS2 off, Sony takes out the Emotion Engine and sticks it in a new PS3, and gives you a discount on it!

For the XBox, on the other hand: open it up, manually upgrade it...

Or the best idea yet - melt down a few PS2s, keep the inside, mould it into a giant PS2 shape and put the bits back in, to give you a giant PS2! ...Well, it has more novelty than a chair!

For something actually useful - get loads of second-hand PS2s or even PS1s, link them all up and build a computer farm thing, just like the PS3, but much less powerful - but still much more powerful than a single PS2! Then you can do your own protein-folding thing and find a cure for cancer or the common cold in your own home, for a laugh.
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