Listen to Celeb Big Brother on Your PSP

There really is no escape

Posted by Staff
Listen to Celeb Big Brother on Your PSP
To add to our New Year misery and depression, Channel 4 has just announced that it has signed a deal with Wi-Fi provider The Cloud to offer free downloadable podcast content to PSP users.

The deal takes the form of a two month trial, with PSP podcasts including the morning news, as well as content from SlashMusic and the inevitable ‘Celebrity’ Big Brother updates.

PSP users who open their browser via a Cloud hotspot (there are 7,500 across the UK) will be automatically redirected to a specially designed Channel 4 page.

Nathalie Schwartz, Channel 4 Radio director, said, "Radio has the potential to be the most powerful and influential medium in broadcasting, but to achieve this in a digital world it needs to start innovating and fast…Making 4Radio's content available on-demand on the go through The Cloud's Wi-Fi network enables us to target listeners who want bold and mischievous radio programming but don't have time to tune in before they leave the house."

Say that again Nat? Radio as the ‘most’ powerful and influential medium in broadcasting? We think you’re confusing being positive about your job title with being downright bloody silly.

Give us each day our daily news to listen to while we are on the bus to work each morning, sure. But please, spare us the Celeb Big Brother updates.

Is there no escape?


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