In the trailer, soar into Dragon Empires' world with the incredible Bird Dragon as it swoops down into a valley, past buildings and skims the top of forest trees before flying out onto a battlefield. Look out for glimpses of all the races from the game and a first-look at a female warrior who will play a major part in Dragon Empires' back-story...
Dragon Empires' online fantasy world will come to life next spring and is set to deliver a groundbreaking MMORPG that is immersive, compelling, breathtaking in its visuals and dramatic in its action.
The game's Beta Test programme is scheduled to begin this summer and already over 130,000 online gamers have signed up to take part. To help shape Dragon Empires, sign up for the Beta Test at:
Dragon Empires is scheduled to launch in spring 2004 for PC and the new trailer movie, along with the latest information from the game's development team, is now available online at