SPOnG Polls: Results

Question: Are games too expensive?
Yes indeedy. 77%

No, they cover costs. 22%

Other - tell us in the Forum. 1%


Juliejamie 13 Jul 2010 21:11
My 9 year old's brand new Fifa 10 was just destroyed by his brand new Xbox. He is devastated obviously. If some guys with a camera can take an Xbox apart and fit their own rubber buffers to stop the scratching, why can't Microsoft? I was never a fan of Microsoft so I'm not actually that surprised.
deleted 26 Jul 2010 18:18
Yes games are expensive but in reply to your comment what was the reason behind the 360 scratching the disk, i didn't magically happen, although those who it happens too seem to think so, make sure the 360 isnt moved while powered on using game installs can also prevent this from happening but while games are expensive the cost of replacing a 360 is more and im sure the lasers will only take a few buts of disk bashing before they themselves become broken too, my advice make sure your sons new xbox is stationary at all times!

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