Yep, that's right. Battlefield 4 is going to run at 60fps on the next-gen consoles - if you don't know what fps is, that means it'll run very very smoothly.
What's exciting about that, is that BF4 has dynamic events on the multiplayer maps - meaning that the maps could change mid game. For example, an explosion could well cause a building to fall down, and the increased fps will make it look smoother than ever.
What I find amazing is that Spong downplays a massive gameplay improvement, in favor of destructible environments, something that has been of dubious value since the PS2 days.
(Check that: I'm not amazed, since like most game journos, Spong has no conception that improved frame rate *improves gameplay*--it isn't merely an issue of "smoother", it's an issue of having twice as many chances, per second, to make a change in the game world, i.e. *interacting with the game* which is generally the point.)
realvictory22 Aug 2013 12:18
If all aspects of the game are at 60fps, then that's true.
But it is one thing to render at 60fps, and another to update physics, logic, AI, network data, etc, all at 60fps.
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