Eyes to the sky! A new game titled 'Tekken Revolution' has just been age-classified by the Australian Board. Could Namco Bandai have another fighting surprise in store for us this year?The filing -
which can be seen here - lists the game as an "original" work, suggesting that it's not a remake or a port of anything previously released. Namco Bandai is noted as the publisher, but no developer has been named for the project.
Whatever the game is exactly, it's a multi-platform title and was only just rated yesterday, meaning that we could be hearing more about it very soon indeed. Perhaps an E3 reveal?
UPDATE: Tekken producer Katsuhiro Harada
has told CVG that the listing is likely for Tekken Card Tournament, claiming that someone has made a mistake with the description. "I think It's description mistake. Cuz We did registration Just for new version of TEKKEN CARD Tournament Title. That's all," he tweeted earlier.