Assassin's Creed III - The Battle Hardened DLC Priced

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Assassin's Creed III - The Battle Hardened DLC Priced
More DLC for Assassin's Creed III - and let's hope this time it doesn't allegedly destroy all your game saves, eh readers?

The new tranche of DLC is - as the headline says - called The Battle Hardened pack and it, "extends the Assassin's Creed III multiplayer experience with new playable characters and maps". So, yeah, it's a pack of maps. These are:

· Three multiplayer characters including the influential Governor, the resilient Highlander and the fearsome Coyote Man

· Three multiplayer maps including Charlestown, Fort St-Mathieu and Saint Pierre

It's out today for Xbox 360; on January 9 for PS3, and out on January 15th on Windows PC. It costs, £7.99 on PS3 or PC, and on Xbox 360 it's 800 MS Points.

More info here.


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