Dishonored Gameplay Vid - Stealth and Misspelling

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Dishonored Gameplay Vid - Stealth and Misspelling
On the downside, for some reason Bethesda still can't get the spelling of 'Dishonoured' right. On the upside, it's still pumping out gameplay videos like the one you can see below.

We are told, "While you can play Dishonored (sic) many different ways to suit your individual play style, this video highlights how the game's stealth system works and highlights the tools and powers at your disposal to make your way through the game unseen by your enemies."

Enjoy the hell out of it. In fact, download it to your mobile phone so you can watch it while walking along the pavement to the shops, and get a nice glass of water out of a tap beforehand.

Dishonored will be available in North America on October 9, 2012 and throughout Europe on October 12, 2012, and is slated for release on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC. Yes it is on sale in gosh flipping Europe, n'est pas!


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