Yakuza Creator: Look Forward to an Announcement Tomorrow

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Yakuza Creator: Look Forward to an Announcement Tomorrow
Yakuza series creator Toshihiro Nagoshi has something to say. But he won't say it until tomorrow. He's happy to say that he has something to say, but the thing he'll actually say won't be said before a formal announcement tomorrow. Make sense?

It's an announcement of an announcement, in a nutshell. The SEGA creative wrote a rather short post on his blog, telling fans that something will be revealed and we should look forward to finding out what it is. Thanks, Nagoshi-san!

Before you get too excited, it might not be Yakuza related. As Andriasang points out, it might not even be game related - the man does like to talk about his pets at length, apparently. Can you imagine getting all excited for something like that? Can you? Go on, imagine.


dave 7 Aug 2012 19:26
new sega next gen system perhaps. That would be where the smart money is.
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