PC Gamers in for a Console Gamer Surprise Says EVE Dev

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PC Gamers in for a Console Gamer Surprise Says EVE Dev
PlayStation 3 FPS Dust 514 will connect players to subscribers of MMO EVE Online, in an integration that has never been done before. What are developers CCP looking forward to the most when seeing console and PC players get together? People getting whupped, says lead game designer Kristoffer 'Stoffer' Touborg.

PC players will kick the collective ass of the console nation, Touborg predicts. "I think the best moment for me, when these games are actually connected, will be the moment when someone on PC screws over a massive group of console players for the first time. That’ll be the real ‘Welcome to EVE Online’ message - the first time someone realises that they’re not just playing Modern Warfare and nobody really gives a fuck what the point of the match is. I think that’s going to be significant."

But don't worry. Console players will put up a good fight - and will even end up humbling the hardcore PC player too, Touborg admitted. "I think that it might be a wake up call for some people, but it’s going to go both ways. There’s no doubt about that. People underestimate console players - some PC players think that they’re always facing a bunch of 14-year-olds."

Read more in the huge EVE Online and Dust 514 interview on SPOnG here.


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