Sony Struggles to Explain Vita Game Pricing

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Sony Struggles to Explain Vita Game Pricing
It's actually quite refreshing to see media training going out of the window. Let's see how the president of Sony Worldwide Studios, Shuhei Yoshida, reacts to a simple question...

He's asked how PlayStation Vita pricing in the face of smartphone games at $1...

"Yeah, that’s a big challenge. In the software industry, that’s one of the biggest questions, I’d say. At least one of the biggest questions that I have myself. We have a theory that if we create really compelling, engaging experiences that you can spend hours with, you’ll see the value of spending 40 dollars against one dollar."

So far, so good...

"The good thing about $1 games is that people are not spending too much money on them. If you buy 40 of those, you might be spending $40, but still… Or many games are free? Gamers love all kinds of games. I totally understand people who like games like Angry Birds, but if you’re a gamer, you’re also interested in trying different kinds of experiences, bigger games."

A little bit, well, wonky. But then he gets back into gear, using Nintendo has a standard for pricing (as has become Sony policy of late), "You saw Nintendo’s 3DS, it had many software hits last December, like Mario Kart. That’s the theory.

"That’s what I’d like to see proven, after the launch of PS Vita. I can see, looking at the games in game stores, when you see games that you feel you can find on the iPod or iPad for five dollars, why should you spend 40 dollars? So software publishers will really have to think hard when they approach pricing their software. Is this the experience that will compel people to spend that much? Or is this something they should provide for more accessible prices, so that people will try it?"

Full thing here.


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