Yun and Yang confirmed for Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition

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Yun and Yang confirmed for Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition
Ever the valuable link between countries, reports on the internet have confirmed from a recent location test for Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition that Yun and Yang from Street Fighter III have been added to the character roster.

The characters were in fully playable form at the location test held at the SEGA Avion game centre in Osaka and are expecting to be payable at TGS later this week where Capcom is expected to show the title and formally announce the inclusion of the characters into the current roster.

Are you happy to hear that the kung-fu twins from Hong Kong have been added to what is turning out to be a truly eclectic roster in Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition? Do you hope that their potential has been toned down from the previous entry in the Street Fighter franchise as they were notoriously deadly to say the least.

What other characters do you hope will be added to Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition? Our money's on Alex and Elena making the cut. Be sure to check SPOnG for updates on the title right up until its December release.

Source:Event Hubs


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