More Weight to Killzone 3 Four-Player Co-op Rumours

Posted by Staff
FirstPlay, the PSN-based gaming programme put out by the staff of Official PlayStation Magazine, has put a bit more weight behind rumours that Killzone 3 will get four-player co-op.

In the video preview of Killzone 3 below, the presenter notes that, "Our otherwise chatty friend Herman (Hulst, MD of Guerilla) wouldn't confirm specifics, but we do know that Guerilla is working on a special objective-based 4-man co-op mode to go with the standard 2-player stuff. Ooh, and there'll be vehicles as well.”

Exactly how they know that is a bit vague though, isn't it? Did Hulst actually confirm that? Because it sounds suspiciously like a rumour that circulated back in May, in which a source "close to the platform holder's European HQ" told CVG that "Guerilla is working on a standard two-player, co-op - as you'd expect - but there's also an objective-based separate four-player co-op mode in the works, too." That source also mentioned vehicles in online multiplayer.

In short, FirstPlay could just be reeling off information gleaned from the CVG story rather than offering additional confirmation. Four-player co-op certainly sounds like a good idea though, eh?

Via SixthAxis.


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